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About Me:

Colette in a pink shirt stating "bad bitches have bad days too" under a rainbow with thunder clouds in front of a crossed wooden structure

I am a graduate of the University of Virginia focusing my efforts on body image, self-esteem, and building positive relationships with food and movement. I am motivated to help others achieve health as it is defined by them, whether that be through my past work as an EMT, my current work as a personal trainer, or through future work in mental health counseling. Specifically, I make health and wellness attainable and inclusive to those of all walks of life regardless of race, gender identity, ability, socio-economic status, etc., as it is documented that healthcare lacks diversity, representation, and social awareness. Along with this passion, I translate science and evidence-based methodology into an applicable and digestible format for the everyday person such that people have the autonomy to make informed decisions about their physical and mental welfare. I will attend the University of Pennsylvania in the Fall of 2023 to pursue a master's degree in Counseling and Mental Health Services.

Colette smiling in a striped orange, blue, black, and white shirt.
My Coaching Principles:
  1. All bodies are deserving of movement

  2. The gym is for everyone

  3. Movement out of respect for the body not punishment

  4. Quality over quantity

  5. Performance over aesthetics

  6. Progressive overload

  7. Functional, therapeutic movement

  8. Community and kindness in (and out of) the gym

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